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Eliminate Stubborn Fat Cells With Non-Surgical Vanquish Fat Removal in Ypsilanti, MI

We provide a safe, non-invasive solution to fat reduction that guarantees results.

The day has finally come, and you are ready to take another step toward weight loss.  You have likely done some research and read that Non-Surgical Vanquish is the safest, most affordable approach to deal with stubborn fat that won’t budge.

non surgical fat removal ypsilantiVanquish fat removal is the non-invasive fat removal solution for customers near Ypsilanti that we most often recommend because it does not involve surgery or liposuction. There is no downtime, no incisions or scars, and very little discomfort. There is no need for anesthetic. You will be amazed at how affordable, and simple Non-Surgical Vanquish can be, not to mention the fantastic results. 

How do I find out if Non-Surgical Vanquish is right for me?

You will first come in for a consultation where we will decide together, which fat removal solution is best for you based on your body type and goals. Body sculpting and body contouring are other options. Still, we are finding that a majority of people get the over-all best outcome with the latest generation fat removal procedure, BTL Non-Surgical Vanquish. If you are looking to remove those love handles and difficult spots where fat just won’t seem to budge, this method gets the best results for most people.

Contact PHR Centers For Non-Surgical Fat Treatment Solutions

During your consultation, we will discuss what you can expect with Non-Surgical Vanquish and thoroughly explain the procedure. We will answer all of your questions, go over photos of real people who have achieved actual results, and give you our professional recommendation for how many treatments you will need.

Conveniently located near Ypsilanti Michigan, PHR Centers has been in business for over 38 years, since 1981. Our staff is very professional and experienced in all the latest procedures, and we know which one to recommend to you to reach your individual goals. We have been in the industry long enough to have seen other procedures and techniques come and go. We have been in the front row during periods of research and development. With our knowledge and expertise, we can say without a doubt that BTL Non-Surgical Vanquish is a superior non-invasive fat removal procedure.

How does Non-Surgical Vanquish work?

Non-Surgical Fat Removal in Ypsilanti MI - Non-Surgical Vanquish - China's_HeadshotWe use the most up to date version of Vanquish is called BTL Non-Surgical Vanquish. It is by far the most effective way to eliminate fat cells. Each fat removal treatment takes 30-45 minutes. During the procedure that takes place in our office, you will feel a warm sensation in the treatment area, which is the radiofrequency that permanently eliminates fat cells. The cells are experiencing what is known as apoptosis, or in layman’s terms, shrinkage.

Our staff of highly trained specialists will make sure you are comfortable during the procedure. The procedure is painless with little to no side effects; you will be able to return to your normal day and schedule the moment you walk out the door. Many people report they see changes and reductions in fat two to three weeks following their first treatment. Some people report they see changes the very same day. At PHR, our mission is to help make a positive difference for you, but we will never change who you are!

A Summary of the Vanquish Fat Removal Advantages:

  • ·Permanent fat elimination for four to six 30-45 minute sessions
  • ·See results in as little as two to four weeks
  • ·A perfect solution for those who were unable to destroy fat cells in any other way
  • ·Minimum to no side effects during or after the treatment is completed
  • ·Non-invasive procedure with no recovery time
  • ·Vanquish is less expensive than other non-invasive body sculpting services

Schedule a body sculpting appointment with us today 

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