Feel Radiant with a VI Peel

With winter drying out our skin, or additional stress is leading to breakouts and other issues. There is no reason why you should enter the new year with your skin, not looking and feeling its best. It is why at PHR Centers, we are happy to offer the best VI Peel treatment in Plymouth, MI. VI Peel has been highly recommended and delivers fantastic results for making your skin look radiant. If you’re curious about whether this treatment is right for you, we take some time to answer some questions about a VI Peel treatment.

What is VI Peel?

A VI Peel is a skin peel treatment made with skin-boosting ingredients suitable for all skin types that offer outstanding results with almost no pain and little recovery time. There are great benefits:

  • Helps to improve skin tone
  • Reduces freckles, hyper-pigmentation, and age spots
  • Softens fine lines and wrinkles
  • Clears up acne and reduce or eliminate acne scars
  • Boosts the production of collagen for firmer and rejuvenated skin

What skin types benefit from VI Peel?

The VI Peel is formulated to allow all skin types to reap the benefits of the peel. Our clients from all ethnicities can experience the restorative properties of the VI Peel.

How many treatments of VI Peel are needed to achieve the best results?

A single VI Peel treatment can achieve a significant result to add a healthy glow to your skin. At the same time, some conditions like acne scars or even hyperpigmentation may require additional treatments. It is a painless treatment and can be done every six to eight weeks. However, we require a consultation to evaluate your skin best and its needs for the VI Peel.

How long do results last?

After your skin has finished peeling after day six or seven of treatment, you should begin to see immediate results of the VI Peel treatment of more radiant, youthful, glowing skin. Results may vary due lifestyle, skin condition, and other personal factors. 

How long after receiving treatment, do I have to wait to return to my routine?

Immediately after your peel your skin will look darker, as pigmentation is brought to the surface. The peel will remain on the skin for four hours after the application. You will have to remove the peel at home by cleansing your skin with the provided take home products. On day two and three before your skin starts to peel, it will not be apparent that you have had a chemical peel. You must avoid sun exposure and wear SPF at all times. Days three to seven you may experience minor to moderate skin peeling it is important to know that you can not pick, peel, or scratch shedding skin. Removing the skin manually can cause damage such as scarring or hyperpigmentation. Also, during the process of the peel you will not be able to use your normal skin care regimen. We will provide you with cleanser, moisturizer, SPF, and peel promoting towelettes. 

Curious to learn more about VI Peel?

Have more questions or concerns about the beneficial effects of a VI Peel treatment in Plymouth, MI? Then call us at PHR Laser Centers to schedule a free consultation at (734) 207-7770 to find out more information about how you can make your skin glow in the new year!